She Forgot!!!

Language butchery by Mr Rich on  16.11.08 @ 17:36

Oh I have so many, many points in credit for this one.
On 14 Nov 2008, at 15:49, Aimee Meuchel wrote:

It's true. Today is Rich's birthday. And I forgot. Totally. No card. No present. Nothing. Now there's stress and there's losing your mind. Mine is apparently gone.

I need your help. Please email Rich at (withheld for spam) and wish him a happy birthday (and you can mention feeling sorry that he's stuck with a loser girlfriend as well).

Thanks in advance for your help,

Now the funny thing of it is, I *knew* that she had forgotten. When Madame Librarian wakes up in the morning, she drags herself into her office and goes through her email. She's not quite yet awake when she does this, so I'm usually very gentle. I rubbed her neck and said,

"My mom called..."

Aimee cut me off and said, "What does she want?!?!" (No offense meant Mom...Aimee doesn't do mornings).

I pointed at the calendar date on her computer. She gave me a stupid look. I decided then and there to see how long it took for her to remember.

You see, to Aimee, birthdays are a huge thing. She doesn't have *just* the birth-day. No, no, no. She has the birth-month.

Later on in the afternoon, Aimee got the mail. Aimee's mom had sent me a card (thanks Sandy!) and she wondered why. Three nano-seconds later:


And to top it all off, I had to cook my birthday dinner too. Sigh....

Her friends are very good to her though. The responses were quite prolific:

from: Brad W
to: Aimee, me

Give yourself a break. Take it from someone who almost never forgets a birthday I'm supposed to salute, I do sometimes. Makes your remembering the next time all the better. No one over the age of 11 should take too much stock in having her or his birthday missed.

Rich: Happy New Year!


from: Tudy S
to: me

Happy Birthday! This is a great day to celebrate - a Friday, no work, and a beautiful day with lots of sun. You deserve a good dinner out with your favorite redhead. Enjoy!

Tudy S

from: Toni W
to: me

Hello Rich,

Sorry we missed you at the last Eugene feast. Brad was outnumbered, but not too upset about being the only guy. So I hear you're having a birthday. I'm singing the song right now... It's your present that you can't hear me....

We'll toast your birthday with a little whisky. Cheers!

Toni and Brad

from: Josie D
to: me

Birthday greetings Master Rich!!!
Hope you are having a fabulous day. What gorgeous weather for a Birthday. Are you guys doing anything fun? Maybe we can get together and celebrate on Sunday after the vampire party. My husband Rob is coming to help set up, and I mentioned you might be there too. He's counting on it, he's doesn't want to be the lone male in a gaggle of giddy gals.
Have a great day!

from: Danielle G
to: me

Happy Birthday RIch! As a funny side note HBD in the 9-1-1 world means "Has been drinking". Hope you are HBD on your HBD. Okay, I am a DORK! But you already knew that. At least, I am pretty sure Aimee told you I am. Give her a ration of guilt for forgetting... Although I can't say much because I forget things all the time now!


from: Shannon K
to: me

Rich, Rich, Rich... Happy Birthday, amigo! I am sure you waited excitedly all day long to see what your wonderful, thoughtful, considerate girlfriend would get you...

...only to be massively let down.

I always thought better of Aimee. I thought she was a hip, cool chick with a deep sentimental streak, particularly for those she loves. (Sure, she's always been a terrible slut, but her other good qualities kind of balanced that out, you know?) Therefore, I can only deduce that Aimee is in the early stages of Alzheimer's. It's so sad. And, you know what? If it's not that, then she's just a forgetful bitch.

(who loves you very much)

Happy B'day just the same.


from: Stephen M
to: me


So sorry you are stuck with my sister!!! Happy Birthday, anyway! Make her pay in a big way...... [ed.: worries there!]

Hope you guys are doing well. Nothing new here, just working and enjoying the 50 degree mornings here. It did get to 85 today, so still a bit warm. You guys are welcome here anytime if you get a chance to come visit.

Take care,

from: Sandy M
to: me

Hi Rich, I hope you have a great birthday, even though the woman you live with is losing her mind, ha ha. Maybe she is aging faster than you are? She cares alot and is beating herself up over this!!!! Now I have one on her. [ed.: me too!]
Love, Sandy

from: Erica K
to: me

Hi Rich,
So, I hear your girlfriend forgot your birthday. And this after you remembered the beginning of her birthday celebration month (I was there that day, at the sushi restaurant, I remember). I think you should rub it in, make her feel super-guilty, and milk it for all it's worth.
Anyway, hope you have a happy, happy birthday! May you enjoy many more in the years to come.

from: kendra m
to: me

happy happy slightly belated birthday !!!!!!!!!

hope it was a good one rich! and i'm sorry you have such a loozer girlfriend. tell her i said hi.

hugs, kendo

from: Lorie V
to: me

rich, feliz cumpleanos!


from: Melissa K
to: me

But, Happy Birthday wishes from Melissa & Dave!

... We might need you to help plan it as Aimee seems "calendar" challenged if she forgot the birthday of the most important person in her whole world!

from: Shirley S
to: me

In honor of your birthday...a special video...

Shirley & Dennis

from: Sara T
to: me


Seriously, your birthday is not the most important day of the year. It's one of several important dates such as Groundhog's Day and Flag Day and---wait---SHE FORGOT YOUR BIRTHDAY?!!!? What was she thinking?!!! Make her bake you a multi-layer cake. But then share it with her, poor girl. I'm sure that you'll make sure that she never forgets that she forgot!

Happy belated birthday.


from: Jaime T
to: me

Hi Rich,

In my family we have a tradition of singing the Happy Birthday song as bad as you possibly can.
So imagine a big crowd of people all belting out Happy Birthday To You as if they are all tone-deaf...truly, it makes dogs howl. It's very funny, though.

I won't sing for you, but I am wishing you a happy belated birthday from one Scorpio to another.

Jaime T

So thank you all very, very much. You are witnesses to this (I would have kept this quiet) so I get to use your witness for my next big screw-up.

And Aimee: please don't feel bad. My own brothers (yes, all of them) forgot as well. They deserve to wear the hair-shirt more than you :-)


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