Weeeeelll now. What is there to do in Concepción de Chile? The tourist websites don't list very much. Lonely Planet and Rough Guide barely give it a mention.
And I double dog dare you to find a map.
¿Donde estai mapas o planos de Concepción?
However, my wonderful guide (and friend) Señor Daniel showed me something rather nice to do. Take a hovercraft tour of the Bio Bio River. The website is listed above. For about CLP$15,000 (~USD$ 30.00) for 2 hours the guides will take you on the ride of your life. They even let you drive....BWHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
¿cómo dice usted 'slow down you #!?! white boy' en español?
At the top is a photo of (L-R) Daniel, Jaime and myself on the river. At the bottom, is Daniel and Jaime.
If you want the movie, just ask.