Do you suffer from incontinence?
Have you been eating Olestra laden foods (see the warnings...may cause "anal leakage")?
Need a place to doo your business without the interference of campers doing dishes and standing on toilets?
Yes, this is an actual place. Welcome to Taupo, New Zealand. Home of the geysers and a lake that is a volcanic caldera. Quite a beautiful place in fact. I recomend Hell pizza ( But what in the Sam Hill is a pay toilet with a name like that doing here?
I've laughed at the Austrian and German toilets (you know, the "shelf"). I've warned many people not to walk down the train tracks in Eastern Europe (figure it out). I've even drank South American tap water out of desperation (not for the timid, but a great way to clear up post-flight constipation...lemme tell you!).
But consider this: maybe the residents of Taupo really take their business seriously. Eat your heart out Deutchland! Down the street from the Super Loo, is an Indian restraunt next door to a diaper shop. Yes, its Nappy Plus.

...And what do they mean by "Accesories, etc."? One can only make assumptions I guess.
Get your takeaways and "after dinner mints" in one place with a shared car park. Maybe Mr. India will deliver nappies too. I guess it all "depends" on how much you tip.
You know, I am so going to Hell for this...