Rivers in Thailand

Language butchery by Mr Rich on  12.3.06 @ 23:25

Hey all,

Here's part two of our journey through thailand. we got to chiang mai on thursday without any trouble. we
walked around and explored the night market. it is a crazy cacophony of sounds and smells. People
everywhere asking you to buy their things. too many things. I've spent way too much money.

friday we spent at the elephant nature conserve. It was incredible. we fed the elephants and bathed them.
elephant snot is a curious thing! the babies are adorable. but watch out. don't get between one and
its mama or auntie or you are in trouble. i had a trunk come at me. i've never moved so fast in my
life! you can read more about it on rich's blog: www.misterich.blogspot.com. we bathed in a river with
elephant dung floating by us. all i can say is, "thank god for white blood cells". also (because this
is not on the blog) elephants have huge penises. they call them a fifth leg for a reason. OH MY GOD!!!
Poor girl elepants.

Yesterday we hired a driver and went shopping. sounds pretentious right? It was the best way for us to get
around in a timely manner. we could have rented a car or motorbike and gotten lost or killed, so we went the
safe route. we also saw some incredible temples and ate the best lunch. How can I say that? every meal
sans one has been the best meal. and the pineapple shakes are to die for.

the heat is getting more bearable. It helps when the local people are hot too. they keep saying it is too
hot for them! Its hot. really hot. I'm sunburnt and bug-bitten. I just hope I don't have malaria or
encephilitis (sp?). whatever. It was worth it for the food.

Last night we went on a dinner river cruise down the river Ping. environmentalism hasn't hit thailand yet.
as you float down the muddy water, you see all kinds of things floating with you--trays of food, shit,
bottles, toys, anything people don't want anymore. I kind of lost my appetite. but it was a nice night and
cool on the river.

Okay, I'm off to cooking school. there's hope for me yet mom! rich has traveler's stomach, so we'll see
how he fairs today. the man's mouth is not in tune with his stomach. at lunch yesterday he poured a tiny
bowl (an ounce?) of the super hot chili oil the thais use on his already super hot green curry. He's been
paying for it every since. His mouth might be about to handle hot, but his intestines are still not happy!

I ate breakfast on the street this morning. Incredible. and $1.00. even better. I'm off to join
rich for thai iced coffee and head to eat all day long.

Hope you all are well. can't say I'm missing you too much. I'm having the vacation of a lifetime here.
wait until you see the photos!


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