Swimming in the Rivers of Thailand

Language butchery by Mr Rich on  10.3.06 @ 07:12

Yep. We did it. We hopped in the river today - and had a water fight.

Today Madame Librarian and went to the Elephant Nature Park. It's outside of Chaing Mai - do a search on it to get the address. We washed down the elephants. I have to admit it was a bit of a surreal experience. These were abused and tortured animals that finally got a sanctuary. They were friendly - when we had food of course - and I was really caught up in the whole experience. Here I am, washing down an elephant with a bunch of Dutch and Germans. Aimee remarked, "...did you ever think you would be washing and feeding elephants in Thailand?"

So here we are in the middle of the river, wrapped up in a moment. And then the poo floated by. Elephants aren't potty trained.

After that, the mahoots started a water fight. Yessiree...Aimee and I had a water fight - with the Dutch and Germans - with raw elephant sewage as the ammo.

Eat your heart out Super Loo! This is a toilets of the world journal entry on a level of its own.

Aimee later noted that elephant dung makes an excellent conditioner. However, the bouquet needs refining.

On completely un related notes, I bought some knock-off Teva sandals tonight. I also started to get gifts for the nieces, and I found one of my co-workers some interesting rocks (agate and quartz OK Charlotte?) I've also found some great devices to torture my siblings with. Terry and Dave - you have a biblical plague of frogs coming...BWHAHAHAHA!!!

Pictures are forthcoming...

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