Humble pie (ála mode)

Language butchery by Mr Rich on  19.10.06 @ 20:37

So....back to Eugene. Sort of.

Yeppers, I ended up leaving the job I left Eugene for to work for the job I left Eugene for.

In my case, I left Eugene because I found a job that would get me out of Eugene. I then left that job so that I could work for my former employer. why did I leave where I was to go back where I was? Its a long story. But this is a blog so I'll delve into the gory details.

1. I wanted to do something where someone noticed and gave a rat's rear-end. I wouldn't have where I ended up.
2. I had two bosses that were at odds with each other. One of them wanted to use me as a tool against the other.
3. The other boss was a personal friend of mine. I wanted to keep him as a friend.
4. I was being morphed into a secretarial role.

So I am back to being a world traveler, living out of a suitcase, and living in a state of permanent jet lag. This was actually preferable to living with the knowledge that I have lost the ability to actually do something helpful on occasion. Where I was, I would have done nothing on any occasion.

Wow. I just re-read this and noticed an inordinate amount of pro-nouns. I'm actually saying nothing about something obscure and confusing people in the process. That takes talent.

Ok...hmm. to explain:

I left a life on the road for a job that turned out to be not what it seemed. I was made to sign a lot of legal documents that were vaguely worded. The gist of these documents was that anything I did was owned by someone else. I was treated poorly while I was there, and in the end I decided that I should have figured out a few things first...I made an error in judgement. So in the end, rather than let it get to me, I decided to actively fix my situation. I called up my former employer and got my old job back.

So enough with the past. What is going to happen now?

I get to work from home. Tomorrow I get to start working in the back bedroom. And I have to wear a uniform: Pajamas.

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