So I'm browsing BBC's top stories today while I am "indisposed" (a blackberry with WAP net access has displaced my bathroom literature). I started reading a story on the situation in Burma.
I've been following the situation in Myanmar quite closely as I have an affinity for that part of the world. The marxist in me also delights at the sight of the masses rising up against their oppressors - and the ruling military junta in Burma certainly qualifies as oppressive. Anyway, after getting to the end of the latest update - which by the way, tells about how the junta has cut internet access and confiscating mobile phones and cameras - I ran into this note:
Are you in the area? Are you affected by the events in Burma? Send us your comments using the form below.
You can send your pictures and moving footage to or text them to + 44 (0) 7725 100 100
When taking photos or filming please do not endanger yourself or others, take unnecessary risks or infringe any laws.