Lost Luggage and Aimee's New Site

Language butchery by Mr Rich on  13.3.08 @ 23:02

So our luggage seemed to have missed the boat somewheres. Here was the message previously sent out:

Madame Librarian and I have made it here safe and sound. Our luggage (however) is another story. We are betting that it is in Tonga...

In the end, it showed up at the hotel this morning. We were walking back from buying clothing, and something looked familiar on the front stoop. "Ooooh Oooh! Is that our luggage?!?!?" Aimee was heard to exclaim.

She wanted to do the happy dance right then and there.

I have to say, I can sympathize with her. Loosing your luggage is bad enough. Having to convert your sizes into metric is completely another (although I just grabbed a calculator from the stationery aisle in the store). Adding insult to injury was that the luggage contained wedding presents for the people we came visit.

All's well that ends well.

At any rate, still haven't had a chance to post photos. I've got a few hundred taken already. Samoa was one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. There are a few places that I've seen sunrises from that have taken my breath away. A sunrise in the summertime over The Great Plains is one of them. Samoa is another. With the latter, I have pictures to prove it.

In addition, Madame Librarian now has a new place where she can post her thoughts: http://blog.notamy.com. For Christmas last year, I got her a domain name. She spells her name "A-i-m-e-e" but pronounces it "Amy". Hence, "NotAmy.com". I will give you three guesses what her email address is.

So greetings from Nelson:

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