Photos from Dunedin and Nelson

Language butchery by Mr Rich on  18.3.08 @ 01:44

So I've got some new photo's uploaded. These ones are from a beautiful couple of days in Nelson and Dunedin.

We had a great wine tour in Nelson. I blew a few hundred bucks on some nice wines. On the way back, I started snapping pictures out of the bus window.

The lot of Nelson pics can be found here: (Click on the 'Nelson' Set)

Dunedin is quite an interesting place. It has a lot of character - as though it were settled by some Scottish people or something :-) The batch of Dunedin pics (thus far) can be found here: (Click on the 'Dunedin' set).

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Thus far, we've spent St. Patrick's day in an Irish pub.


Alas, I was too drunk to take a picture of the t-shirts that the staff were wearing. They were from Guinness, and had a tap and a pint glass cleverly shaped like the shaky islands. Above them, it said, "Can I get you a Guiness?"

Today we spent a lovely time going out the Otago Penninsula and then up to the Moeraki Boulders. Our itinerary up the peninsula included Larnach Castle and the Royal Albatross Colony at the tip of the penninsula. All together, I snapped 300 pictures today.

...but for those, you'll just have to wait for the next posting.

So when will you be hosting the wine tasting event? :)
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